For gender dysphoria situations where patients have a need to change their outward gender appearance, both for male-to-female, as well as for female-to-male transformations, Dr. Anh Nguyen follows the guidelines and recommendations of WPATH – the World Professional Association for Transgender Health organization – and coordinates the care of the transgender patient with other health professionals. The following surgical options are available:
Male-to-Female Transformation
1. Voice Box Surgery – thyroid cartilage lift is offered to improve the female pitch.
2. Adam’s Apple – shaving down of the prominent cricothyroid cartilage to reduce/eliminate a key male feature.
3. Facial surgery – facial feminization procedures are performed that may include soft tissue and/or bony contouring to change the facial appearance, shape & relative proportions.
4. Chest (“Top”) Surgery – breast augmentation through various techniques is available.
5. Genitalia Surgery – inversion vaginoplasty procedures are offered that may or may not include skin grafting versus flaps. myCARE Plastic Surgery & the Center for Advanced Reconstructive & Esthetic Plastic Surgery also offers the option of colon vaginoplasty for first time vaginoplasty as well as for secondary reconstruction.
6. Body Contouring Surgery – additional surgical modalities are offered to create and/or accentuate the female silhouette, including but not limited to Brazilian buttock lift, and calf reduction.
Female-to-Male Transformation
1. Facial surgery – facial masculinization procedures are performed that may include soft tissue and/or bony contouring to change the facial appearance, shape & relative proportions.
2. Chest (“Top”) Surgery – mastectomy is offered with attention paid to minimizing and/or hiding the tell-tale sign of a scar. Special attention is paid to create the male nipple-areolar appearance and location in relation to the inframammary fold.
3. Genitalia Surgery – Dr. Nguyen will work together with other specialists to effectively address the following:
a. Removal of the uterus
b. Lengthening of the urethra
c. Male genitalia creation as 1 of the following 2 options with scrotoplasty & placement of testicular implants:
1. Metoidoplasty
2. Phalloplasty
4. Body Contouring Surgery – additional surgical modalities are offered to augment and enhance the male form, including but not limited to pectoral, bicep, and calf implants.
myCARE Plastic Surgery & the Center for Advanced Reconstructive & Esthetic Plastic Surgery are privileged to offer the above cutting-edge options as a part of the treatment spectrum for the transgender population.